Ready to become a confident designer?

Get organized, get booked, and finally feel fulfilled by your web design business.

    You LOVE design and you know you are meant to run a successful business, but something isn't quite right.

    While everything appears okay on the surface, your biz feels like a dumpster fire behind the scenes and you're tired of scrambling to satisfy needy clients while continuing to book new projects that light you up.

    Join me in a 3-part video series for introverted web designers and learn how to set your business up for success without the headache (and burnout).

    Hey there. I'm Galen!

    The founder of Local Creative and Simplified Designer, my signature program to help designers work smarter not harder.

    I'm here to help creatives, like you, build a web design business that aligns with your biggest goals. 

    You’ll find me walking my dog Lyla, sipping a lavender latte at my favorite coffee shop, or hanging out at the barn.  

    Your web designer & business strategist.