When I first started my business, I really struggled to tick off all my to-do list items throughout the week. I’d end up moving tasks to the next week, then the next, and then letting them fall off the list altogether. In the past few years, though, I’ve developed a system that keeps me productive and eliminates the stress of an ever-growing to-do list.

May 18, 2021

Ever feel like you spend more energy on your clients’ businesses then you do on your own? It’s easy to get so caught up in your client’s businesses that you settle for less in yours. But when you devote time and energy to trying new things in your business, you get to provide the best possible support for your clients’ businesses and keep growing your own. This episode on The Intentional Creative Podcast, I sat down with Natasha of @shinewithnatasha to talk about how she niched down, established herself as an Instagram expert, and grew her business through fearless experimentation.

May 4, 2021

Over the years, I’ve learned that there’s only one way to find out if a decision is the right one: make it and see. There’s always a chance it won’t work out, but how will you ever know if you don’t try?

This week on the podcast, I’m talking about my own experiences with analysis paralysis and how I finally stopped over-planning and started *doing.*

April 20, 2021

This week on the podcast, I want to share seven lessons I learned in my business in 2020 that I’ll be carrying into the coming year. I did a lot of outsourcing, team building, and (let’s be honest) soul searching in 2020, and I’ve finally created a business that I feel totally comfortable in.

February 23, 2021